I created a video with a quick overview of the texturing and lookdev work I did on the Bell OH-58 Kiowa I recently published on my Portfolio and on Artstation. After modeling the helicopter in Maya, all the texturing and lookdev work was done in Substance Painter, mainly with Tiled maps and Tri Planar Projections (for decals and grunge spanning over multiple UDIMs). Most of the time has been spent into hand painting the imperfections on the panels, tension and cushion effect where the rivets are. Plus a lot of weathering effects, tweaked UDIM by UDIM to achieve the desired look on each part of the helicopter. The interior geo was quite simple, because in the film this asset was done for there were no interior shots. So I had to add a lot of details in texturing, to improve the overall quality and realism of it.
After the texturing and lookdev process was complete, I rendered a batch of images in a “Studio” environment in Marmoset Toolbag 3. On top of each render there is a minimal amount of color correction, some lens flare and film grain.

I will discuss the entire process in details in a 2 days Workshop at Event Horizon in Turin, Italy, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2019. If you’re keen on hearing more about it, join the event here!

Here is a list of images that show the different maps (Albedo, Metalness, Roughness, Normal, Bump, Opacity) used to obtain the final renders, plus a Shaded render and UV Checker, to show the scale of the UV.
Total UDIM count is 22: 10 for the exterior, 2 for the rotors, 2 for the glass, 8 for the interior. The cockpit texel density is twice as the rest of the helicopter, in order to have cleaner and crispier details there.


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